Old Kia Kima youth camp near Hardy, Arkansas

Youth Leadership Development

Using the Core Values of Old Kia Kima



Developed by The Old Kia Kima Preservation Association, Inc.
No portion may be used without the express permission of OKKPA, Inc.
© 2005 All Rights Reserved
Revised 2/3/06


Is the ability to provide guidance to others

The Old Kia Kima Preservation Association has identified four core values to be important to the development of leadership. They are Integrity, Achievement, Responsibility and Courage.

This program is to help youth develop their leadership talents, gifts and skills by exploring them with a mentor.

The program will provide youth with opportunities to process their understand of the core values with a mentor to develop their leadership skill and to affirm their gifts as a leader.

A mentor for the youth is needed.

A mentor is someone the youth looks up to.

A mentor can either be assigned or chosen by the youth.


Guidelines for Mentor
A mentor is someone who is looked up to.

Some things to remember:
  1. Provide proper adult supervision.

  2. Never be alone privately with a young person.

  3. Encourage discussion.

  4. See your role more as a guide than as an answer giver.

  5. Know that it is okay not to know all the answers.

  6. Trust the process.
Meeting with the youth:
  1. Remember that the camper has chosen you because he or she looks up to you as a living example of something he or she admires.

  2. Agree on the times and place that you will meet during your time at Old Kia Kima.

  3. State clearly the requirements to the camper to complete the Youth Leadership Development Program.
    1. Will achieve a working knowledge of the words Integrity, Courage, Achievement, and Responsibility that serve as the core values for OKK
    2. Will utilize courage to practice servant leadership
    3. Will take responsibility to carry out a project that will enhance the OKK experience
    4. Will process the experience to affirm his or her leadership integrity

  4. State clearly your expectations for the camper to meet the requirements for the Youth Leadership Development your stay at Old Kia Kima.


To experience achievement by knowing the content of the Old Kia Kima core values. They are Integrity, Achievement, Courage, and Responsibility.

This session can be done prior to arriving to Old Kia Kima

Make known to the camper the Core Values of Old Kia Kima. They are Integrity, Achievement, Courage and Responsibility.


1. Adherence to a code of values
2. Soundness of moral principle and character; uprightness; honesty; completeness

Words to describe Integrity

  1. Honesty
  2. Truthfulness
  3. Honor
  4. Sincerity
  5. Reliability
  6. Uprightness

Process by asking:

  1. What is your understanding of Integrity?
  2. What are some words you would use to describe a person of Integrity?
  3. What words from Integrity do you claim to describe yourself?


1. The act of achieving
2. A thing achieved, especially by skill, work, or courage

Words to describe Achievement

  1. Attainment
  2. Accomplishment
  3. Success
  4. Feat
  5. Triumph
  6. Realization
  7. Reaching
  8. Getting

Process by asking:

  1. What is your understanding of Achievement?
  2. What are some words you would use to describe a person of Achievement?
  3. What words from Achievement do you claim to describe yourself?


1. The attitude of facing and dealing with anything recognized as dangerous, difficult or painful instead of withdrawing from it.
2. A quality of being fearless or brave, valor.

Words to describe Courage

  1. Bravery
  2. Guts
  3. Nerve
  4. Valor
  5. Daring
  6. Audacity

Process by asking:

  1. What is your understanding of Courage?
  2. What are some words you would use to describe a person of Courage?
  3. What words from Courage do you claim to describe yourself?


1. Condition, quality, fact or instance of being responsible; obligation, accountability, dependability
2. A thing or person that one is responsible for

Words to describe Responsibility

  1. Job
  2. Dependability
  3. Accountability
  4. Blame

Process by asking:

  1. What is your understanding of Responsibility?
  2. What are some words you would use to describe a person of Responsibility?
  3. What words from Responsibility do you claim to describe yourself?


Help the camper to utilize courage to practice service leadership during his or her stay at Old Kia Kima.

1. Tell the camper that he or she is to fulfill the following assignment:
    a. Perform an act of service for someone at the camp.

    b. Do not reveal your intentions to anyone, especially the person you are serving.

2. When the youth has finished, process by asking:
    a. What did you do?

    b. How did you feel while serving another person?

    c. What core values do you believe you used to accomplish your task?

      1. Integrity

      2. Achievement

      3. Courage

      4. Responsibility

    d. What did you learn by doing your assignment?

    e. What did you learn about yourself by doing it?


Help the camper take responsibility to use his or her leadership skills to plan and carrying out a project that benefits the group’s Old Kia Kima camping experience.

1. You will take responsibility to lead an activity for the group during your time at Old Kia Kima.

2. Discuss with your mentor something you can do to carry out this responsibility

3. Suggestions:

  1. Plan and lead a campfire.
  2. Lead the group in a service project as suggested by the camp ranger.
  3. Clean up after a meal
  4. Plan and lead vespers
  5. Clean the bath house
  6. Plan and carry out a Flag retirement ceremony
  7. Plan and carry out a camp fire.
  8. Lead a group in completing a task that involves working together. (i.e. lashing projects from the pole barn, compass programs, raising and lowering the flag)
  9. Build a camp fire
  10. Lead a camp fire
  11. Plan and carry out a skit for a campfire.
  12. Plan and carry out songs for a campfire.
  13. Recruit campers to return thanks for the meals.


Help the camper affirm his or her integrity as a leader by processing his or her experience at Old Kia Kima.

1. After you have completed your project process by asking:

    a. What did you do?

    b. What did you learn about yourself as a leader by doing it?

    c. What gifts of leadership did you use to complete your project?

    d. What were some occasions that you experienced integrity?

    e. What were some occasions that you experienced achievement?

    f. What were some occasions that you experienced courage?

    g. What were some occasions that you experienced responsibility?

2. What core value did you use and experienced the most?

    a. _______ Integrity

    b. _______ Achievement

    c. _______ Courage

    d. _______ Responsibility


The completion of the Youth Leadership Development Program using the Core Values of Old Kia Kima Preservation Association

Old Kia Kima is not associated with the Boy Scouts of America or Chickasaw Council, BSA.
Old Kia Kima Preservation Association is responsible for Old Kia Kima and this website.