Old Kia Kima youth camp near Hardy, Arkansas

Board of Directors


President: Dennis Cain - Eagle Scout, Vigil Honor Order of the Arrow, KKSR Staff Member 1969-1974, 1976, 1978-1979, 1986, 1988, District Award of Merit, Silver Beaver, former Scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 240, Teacher in the Division of Exceptional Children in the Shelby County Schools for over 40 years.

Vice-President: Jeremy Palazolo -

Treasurer: Phillip Wiedmeyer - Life Scout, Brotherhood member ot the Order of the Arrow, God and Country Award, KKSR and Philmont Camper, former Assistant Cubmaster and Cubmaster Pack 352 Birmingham Area Council; BS Civil Engineering Christian Brothers University 1974; MBA Samford University 1978; Retired Executive with Alabama Power Company with 46+ years of service.

Assistant Treasurer: George Clarke -

Recording Secretary: Mark Lawrence - Arrow of Light & Eagle Scout, Wood Badge, Brotherhood member of the Order of the Arrow. Currently serves as Scoutmaster for BSA Troop 60, Atoka, TN (West TN Area Council). Former Den Leader, Cubmaster & Scoutmaster BSA Troop 383. 3 year Camper, 7 year Staff at Kia Kima Scout Reservation (1977-83). Kia Kima Alumni Association Silver Thunderbird recipient (2022). Son of OKK staff member Jimmy Lawrence (1950) & father of Eagle Scout Mitchell Lawrence who served on the KKSR Staff (2016-18). Retired CDR US Navy (23 years; 13 active, 10 reserve). Currently Manager Vendor Information Security for Unified Women’s Healthcare and Adjunct Professor at the University of Memphis. Married to Jenny since 1987.

2023 - 2025

Talbot Berry: Lifelong resident of Memphis Tn. BBA Memphis State University. Served in the United States Air Force from 1968-1973. Eagle Scout, God and Country award, Arrow of Light, Brotherhood member of the Order of the Arrow. Silver Beaver Award, District Award of Merit. Charter Organization Representative for Covenant United Church Troop and Pack 332, Chickasaw Council, Cordova, Tn since 1995. Camper at OKK 1956-1962, Activities Director 1963. Independent Agent with Smith-Berclair Insurance, Memphis Tn. Married with one Eagle Scout son and one Life Scout grandson.

Jim Hayslip: Eagle Scout. KKSR Camper and Staff Member 1971 - 1975. Following graduation from The Citadel Military College served 4 years with the USMC. Military service continued with the TN Army National Guard for another 30 years to include two post 9 / 11 deployments. Retired mathematics teacher having served 30 years with Shelby County Schools. Married to Nancy since 2002.

2024 - 2026

Andrew Schrack:

C. David Logan: Active Scouter for over 40 years, Wood Badge Course Director, Silver Beaver recipient, Scoutmaster Emeritus of Troop 55 in Nashville, TN. Recipient of The Old Kia Kima Excellence in Leadership Award, Kia Kima camper 1958-61, Kia Kima Staff 1962-1966. Waterfront Director 1966, Brotherhood member of The Order of the Arrow, and Vice Lodge Chief of the Chickasah Lodge. Resides in Franklin, Tn with Deen, his wife of over 50 years. Currently Broker/Owner of SilverPointe Properties, LLC in Brentwood, Tn and is the 2016 President of the Williamson County Association of Realtors.

2025 - 2027

Mike Hurt:

David Christopher:

Additional information about Officer and Board Member history.

Honorary Directors

Miss Julia Hall: (1910 - 2003) Girl Scout Camp Kiwani camper, staff and Director (1924-1933) and YWCA Miramichee Camp Director (1939-1970).

Mrs. Winnie "Sunny" Carson: (1916 - 2007) Girl Scout Camp Kiwani camper, staff, and Director (1927-1959)

Mr. Stillman Ralph Young: (1924 - 2006) Scout Master Troop 35 Memphis, Tennessee (1947-1949); Professional Scout Executive Chickasaw Council (1951-1991), Camp Director of Kamp Kia Kima 1954-1956 and 1958-1963; and Camp Director of Kia Kima Scout Reservation (1964-1973).

Mrs. Boyce Woollard Billingsley: (1931 - 2021) A beloved patron of Old Kia Kima and a childhood-to-adulthood summertime (1940-1980's) resident of Hardy and Cherokee Village, Arkansas, where she had been a camper and staff member of the YWCA Miramichee girls' camp.

Mr. Frederick T. Carney: (1916 - 2010) Scouter, Sailor, Lawyer. Spent a lifetime in Scouting, with 78 years as a registered BSA member.

Mr. Bill Dixon: (1922 - 2016) Camper, staff member and longtime supporter of Old Kia Kima.

Mr. Bobby Harriss: Pilot for Christ, Sunday School teacher, guardian of Old Kia Kima

Mr. Bobby Williams: (1932 - 2016) Beloved builder and keeper of Old Kia Kima.

Mr. Frank Simonton: (1933 - 2018) Beloved staff member at old camp Kia Kima, director at KKSR and so much more.

Mr. David Fleming: (1937 - 2024) Former camper (1951-1953) and staff member (1954-1958) at Kia Kima. Founding member and past president of Old Kia Kima Preservation Association.

Old Kia Kima is not associated with the Boy Scouts of America or Chickasaw Council, BSA.
Old Kia Kima Preservation Association is responsible for Old Kia Kima and this website.